🐉 Results of the Survey + Next Steps of the Journey!


🐉 Results of the Survey + Next Steps of the Journey!

Hello to our amazing community!At the end of September, we shared a major update on our book collections — Encyclopedia, Creatures, and, of course, Fateforge — along with a historical overview, future plans, and a community survey. Today, it’s time to dive into theRead More

🐉 The continuation of the Fateforge saga + survey


🐉 The continuation of the Fateforge saga + survey

Greetings community!It's that time of year again: deliveries for Encyclopedia 2 have been finalized, and it's time for a major update on Fateforge!Here's the menu for this news:📚 A brief history of the Fateforge epic🔮 Next steps: Grimoire 2, video game, Solo RPG, andRead More

Draconis: an interview with Chane!


Draconis: an interview with Chane!

The Draconis role-playing game is incoming! To this occasion, we have put together several articles on Draconis' setting, its bright and pacifistic premise, and the campaign included in its first book! But for greater insights into Draconis, we sought information from its creator herself: herRead More

Draconis TTRPG: the Feel Good roleplaying game


Draconis TTRPG: the Feel Good roleplaying game

 Chane and Studio Agate are delighted to announce the creation of Draconis the role-playing game, a Feel Good RPG that celebrates wonder, initiation, imagination in a joyful and relaxed atmosphere! Draconis is a game for all ages, from children and adults who want to discoverRead More

🎄 Annual Agate Holiday Sale!


🎄 Annual Agate Holiday Sale!

It is that time of year again! Studio Agate has struck a deal with the magical entity known as "Santa" in order to help put role-playing games under the Christmas tree! We have a splendid selection for you: RPG starter kits, limited editions,Read More